尼泊尔的ABC 拥有海拔4130m的高度,而且有很多路线选择非常适合所有初级登山客,至于需要用多长时间才能到达山顶是在于你选择行程的长短而定,一般人都会选择7天左右的行程 ,因为如果太短没办法完全享受风景,太长怕你的背包太重 需要的现金也会很多,因为越往深处走物价会越贵。ABC located in Nepal, with it altitute of 4130m, it has several routes option is quite suitable for beginner for trekking, while how long it take to reach the top is depend on the route, usually people will choose for 7 days , because if shorter than that you could not really enjoy the natural view, it too long your backpack might be very heavy and you have to prepare lots of cash, cause all the items will getting more and more expensive while we going higher and deeper into the mountain.
每个休息站都会很正常的看到排排坐的背包,和一堆的登山杖。如果有注意细节的话,其实我真感觉这是专门设计来放背包的。You’ll be seeing a bunch of hiking stick and also all the backpack align as shown in the picture. If observe clearly, I do really suspect this is purposely design for the backpack.
登山季节 Trekking Season
选择挑战ABC之前需要做点功课,年尾10-11月比较干燥和温暖一点,4-5月春季可能会比较潮湿一点 当然也会比较冷。我去的时间在10月份,刚好在上面过生日,虽然说这个时间不会那么冷 但对我们而言这里的温度已经很冷了。Some homework is required before taking the challenge to ABC, the weather in Oct-Nov will be dry and warm whereas Apr-May could be slightly wet but also could see the flower bloom. During my time is on Oct, just nice having my birthday up there, however said that this period will not that cold as compare to Apr, but for us is pretty cold enough.
装备 Equipment
衣服方面还是挺麻烦的,个人觉得3-4层的衣服已经非常足够了。搭配方面一定要方面穿和脱,因为随着不断的行动有可能突然觉得热,停下来又突然觉得冷。第一层卫生衣(山脚和不冷的情况足够了),第二层fleeces或则windbreaker (这个足够抵抗半山的温度),第三层属于重型保暖外套(在base camp过夜的温度不是开玩笑的). 裤子方面可以选择两种,一种属于弹性且较薄的登山裤,适用在半山和山脚, 还有一种是稍微厚一点的登山裤(base camp很适合). 还有剩下的装备有,防臭袜子,手套,头套,多用途围巾,头灯/电筒,登山杖,mini过滤水器(那边的水不是很清洁),水壶,雨衣(一定要大的可以盖完背包和身体),睡袋. For the clothing part, 3-4 layer is more than enough in my personal point of view. That will be great and convenient if able to switch your jacket easily,cause we might feel cold or warm in sudden while we are moving/rest. First layer heat tech shirt(enough for common temperature),second layer can take fleeces or windbreaker(this wll be enough for mid of mountain), third layer please do prepare get a better jacket which able to keep you warm for temperature below 5 degree celcuis, the temperature at base camp is not joking. The rest of the stuff could be, wool sock,glove,cap,multi purpose scaf, headlamp/torchlight,hiking stick, water filter(the water not really clean),water bottle,raincoat(must big enough to cover your body with your backpack),sleeping bag.
过滤器大概类似这种,这个很重要,这个的话需要一个水袋会比较方便用. The water filter will be similar in this model, with a water bag will be much easier for using it.
Aquatabs是专门用来净化的. 不想拉肚子就不要忽略这个. Aquatabs is for purify our drinking water, you don’t want to get diarrhea then make sure you have this.
药品,洗漱品 Med,Toiletories
Aquatabs用来净化水,止泻药,Salt补充盐分,panadol extra,伤风药,plaster.
Aquatabs for water purify, charcoal prevent diarrhea,salt for replenish body salf,panadol extra, cold med,plaster.
梳洗用品一切小包装就行了,两种湿纸巾 一种用来抹身体,一种用来抹脸
all the toileteries with small pack, and wet tissue for body and face cleaning.
附加品 Add-on item
尼泊尔的 Ram!!! Nepal Ram!!
重量允许的话带一些上去,除了可以取暖还有就是它真的好喝. If able to carry little more, can consider to take some for your trekking, it not only can keep us warm at night , the taste is really good.
注意事项 Precaution
在宿舍睡觉的时候一定要让空气流通,就算感觉很冷也要让窗口开一点缝隙,这样可以避免缺氧 而导致隔天头痛不舒服. While sleeping in hostel do let the air ventilate, eventhough is cool but do open some gap for the window this will avoid lack of oxygen and causing headach /uncomfortable next day.
在尼泊尔他们可以接受美金付款, 所以有美金的人会很方便.USD is accepted in Nepal, it could be convenient for people using USD.
想要购物的人可以在Kathmandu 逛街,这里的东西比较便宜,还可以讲价,不砍价就等着被砍. Kathmandu will be the shopping lover, but you must know how to bargain.
在移动的时候队伍通常会拉开距离,在有分叉路口的时候最好留守一人让后面的人知道往哪一个路口走. Usually the team will break into few distance during the trek, please remembe to wait for the person behind to show them the right direction before move on.